People’s features reveal everything about themselves. The wrinkles around the eyes tell a story about how they laugh or frown, and the wrinkles on the lower half of their faces talk about their journey through time. And although these lines and wrinkles are usually because of a good reason, many women and men still spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic products and procedures for a more youthful face. However, despite their faces looking 10 years younger, one body area still reveals everything about their age: the hands.
To get a balanced look for all features, it’s recommended to address every aspect. This includes the hands as well. RADIESSE® treatments have become very popular, as they can restore youth in the long term, resolving skin laxity on the hands. This blog will talk about RADIESSE® for hands and why we recommend the treatment.
What Happens to the Hands as People Age?
The hands are more than just tools to gesture and grab things. Wrinkled hands with saggy skin can be very disheartening, which is why Dermacare is particularly excited about using RADIESSE® to rejuvenate the hands.
Hands have much thinner skin compared to the face, so they are usually the first to show signs of aging. As the collagen production drops, thinning happens even more, making the underlying structure more pronounced. Not only do the bones become more visible, but the veins are also more prominent. With treatments like the RADIESSE® filler, patients can reverse this effect and reveal a more youthful aesthetic for their hands.
What Is RADIESSE®, and What Can It Do?
RADIESSE® is a filler that is different from other options on the market, as its formula is designed to last longer. While other fillers focus mainly on the filler aspect to provide immediate plumpness, RADIESSE® offers ongoing collagen production.
The injectable uses advanced calcium-based microspheres in a gel-like solution to offer natural results that can be seen immediately. The filler works to produce more calcium over time, leading the body to create more collagen. The presence of the microspheres will start a new collagen production, which will continue until they are eventually absorbed. This can take one year or more, depending on the person.
Benefits of RADIESSE® for the Hands
RADIESSE® can bring multiple benefits to the hands, including but not limited to the following:
1. Volume Restoration
Hands become bony as people age, mainly due to collagen loss. The gel-like formula of RADIESSE® offers immediate volume, and once absorbed, the calcium microspheres will remain behind to continue the job. As they move, the microspheres will keep triggering the body’s healing system, sending more collagen into the hands.
2. Vein and Joint Protrusion Reduction
The skin thins over time, but the veins and joints remain the same. As the collagen and elastin production drops, these bones and veins become more visible underneath the skin, making the hands look aged. As plumpness is restored in the hands, the hands will look more delicate, without the rough protrusion damaging the aesthetic.
3. Long-Lasting Results
Unlike hyaluronic acid, which takes around five to eight months to be eliminated, the calcium microspheres are tougher to process. Their presence in the skin can create more collagen over a year. For this reason, maintenance treatments are recommended once every two years, allowing patients to maintain their results.
Maintain the Youth of Your Hands with RADIESSE®
RADIESSE® treatments can be very effective for restoring and maintaining younger-looking hands. The effects can remain visible in the long term, improving confidence. Contact Dermacare Medical Aesthetics and schedule your appointment for RADIESSE®!
For more information about RADIESSE®, please contact Dermacare Medical Aesthetics at 858-230-8040. We can schedule an appointment for any of our practices in San Diego, Carlsbad, and San Juan Capistrano. Alternatively, you may use our online contact form to get in touch with us, and we can offer all the guidance you require for your next treatment!