As the body’s largest organ, it stands to reason that if your skin doesn’t look right, you don’t look and feel your best. Skin rejuvenation may address a myriad of issues today, from significant sun damage to body ink you no longer want. No matter what your skin concerns might entail, Dermacare Medical Aesthetics can help you enhance the health and appearance of your dermis to produce a refreshed, more youthful look at any season of life.
Skin enhancement is a very achievable goal today, no matter what your concerns might be. The staff at Dermacare Medical Aesthetics is ready to help you identify your issues and recommend the best solutions for you. To learn more, call or text us at any of our 3 locations:
Rancho Bernardo: (858) 487-3376
Carlsbad: (760) 448-8100
San Juan Capistrano: (949) 658-2080
Encinitas: (760) 487-2520
Dermacare Medical Aesthetics offers the following skin treatments to our patients:
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Botox can correct anti-aging issues, such has horizontal lines across the forehead, vertical lines between your eyebrows, crow’s feet, bunny lines, gummy smile lines and other facial wrinkles you may be suffering from.
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Acne sufferers may find significant relief from breakouts with our blue light therapy using the BLU-U 4170 device. The narrow band of blue light emitted from the device destroys p. Acnes, the bacteria that lead to acne flare-ups. A series of treatments, combined with medical-grade skin care, is typically the best approach for keeping acne symptoms at bay.
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Reverse sun damage and aging symptoms with one of our chemical peels. These exfoliation treatments remove the dead, dull outer dermal layers to reveal softer, smoother skin underneath. At the same time, the procedure minimizes the appearance of pigmentation irregularities, fine lines and shallow scarring. The peels come in a variety of depths that allow us to personalize your treatment to your precise needs.
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Restore the health and vitality of your skin with Fraxel treatments. This fractional laser technology creates micro-injuries in the dermis that stimulate the body’s healing process. The procedure results in tissue constriction and collagen production that reverses the effects of time on your complexion. The fractional nature of the treatment allows for deeper penetration without discomfort or significant downtime.
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Say goodbye to brown spots and other pigmentation irregularities using our IPL photofacial. This device delivers targeted bands of light into the underlying dermal layers, eliminating brown markings that are often caused by sun exposure. Diffuse redness, such as what is seen with rosacea, can also be effectively managed with this noninvasive treatment.
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Laser Genesis is another revolutionary device that restores the skin’s healthy glow while minimizing some of the early signs of aging. The laser penetrates the underlying dermal layers, heating them while leaving outer skin and tissue untouched. The warming treatment causes tissue constriction and smooths the surface of the skin to produce a more youthful appearance.
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This efficient method of hair reduction leads to long-lasting results over time. The device is safely applied to any area of the face or body where unwanted hair is a problem. The laser energy is delivered into the hair follicles, causing hair to fall out and making it difficult for future hair to grow from that location. A series of appointments will be required to achieve optimal results.
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Visible superficial veins on the legs and face can be addressed using noninvasive laser treatments. The laser energy used targets the blood inside the vessel, coagulating the vein, so it collapses and is reabsorbed by the body over time. There is no discomfort or downtime associated with this treatment and patients may see positive results after a single session.
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Latisse is a topical medication used to regrow eyelashes or lengthen and thicken lashes that have become thin over time. The treatment is used at home daily, brushing the formulation on the lower lashes to stimulate new growth. Positive results will continue as long as the medication is used.
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Skin care is not restricted to the doctor’s office. We also provide a wide line of medical-grade skincare products you can use at home to support your professional treatments and extend their results. Our team of experts can help you select the formulations that will work best with your skin to produce the best possible outcome.
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This exfoliation treatment uses a diamond-tipped tool to remove the outermost skin cells, leaving your complexion softer, smoother and more radiant. The noninvasive treatment is not painful, and you will see positive results even as you leave our office. Some patients schedule regular microdermabrasion treatments to maintain their healthy glow indefinitely.
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Hair loss can now be treated non-surgically using a combination of microneedling and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Microneedling uses a device to create micro-injuries in the scalp allowing for penetration of the PRP into the deeper dermal layers. This process stimulates the hair follicles to grow hair once again, creating a fuller head of hair naturally. Microneedling/PRP for Skin Rejuvenation This same process can be used for skin rejuvenation, as the growth factors in the PRP promotes collagen production. Collagen is an essential substance in the dermal structure that helps skin maintain its smooth, supple appearance. By increasing collagen levels, we can turn back the clock on the skin’s condition for a more youthful appearance overall.
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Firm up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles with this innovative radiofrequency treatment. The heat from the RF energy promotes collagen production, so you enjoy improvements for months after your procedure as the natural processes of the body take over the work. A series of treatment is usually recommended at the beginning to obtain optimal results.
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This revolutionary picosecond laser reduces the appearance of pigmented lesions, wrinkles and shallow scarring through rapid pulse technology that can penetrate more deeply into the dermal structure. As the different layers of dermal tissue are targeted, the body’s natural healing and rejuvenation processes kick in to produce a more youthful complexion and a radiant glow. Visible imperfections are noticeably reduced as damaged tissue is removed and healthier cells take its place.
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Patients who no longer want their body ink can now undergo a quicker, more comfortable tattoo removal process than ever before. PicoSure utilizes its rapid pulsating action to shatter ink pigments so they can be flushed away by the body. After series of treatment sessions, your old tattoo will be eliminated so you can add a refreshed new tat or enjoy your new ink-free look.
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Skin tags, moles and other lesions can be removed from the skin using radiofrequency excision, which produces minimal damage to surrounding skin and tissue and almost no scarring afterward. A small amount of anesthetic is all that is needed to allow this treatment to help you achieve clearer, more beautiful skin. Bleeding during and after the treatment is also minimized.
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When sun or environmental damage to the skin is more extensive, the SmartSkin CO2 laser is often the right choice. This fractional device works into the deepest dermal tissue to produce dramatic results on the surface of the skin. Patients typically see optimal results after just one treatment session, although they can opt for two or three lighter sessions to achieve similar results with less recovery time in between.
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