The VI peel is designed to reverse the signs of aging and sun damage with it’s unique blend of ingredients with little to no pain, no skin preparation and very little downtime.

Procedure Summary

Indications: Exfoliation, brown pigment reduction, smooth skin
Downtime: 0-4 days depending on peel chosen
Anesthetic Needs: None
Typical Package: 1-3 treatments, 1 month apart

Suitable for all skin types, superior results, comfort and convenience are just a few reasons why the VI peel is the new generation of peels. The peel treats pigmentation areas such as melasma on the face, chest, arms and hands. Results are amazing after just one application.

The VI Peel will:

  • Improve the tone, texture and clarity of your skin
  • Reduce or eliminate age spots, freckles, and hyper-pigmentation, including melasma
  • Soften lines and wrinkles
  • Brighten the skintone
  • Clear acne skin conditions, reduce acne scars
  • Stimulate the production of collagen, for firmer, more youthful skin