Few features express our true selves or make as much of an impact socially as our faces. That’s why early facial aging symptoms can have such a significant impact on our sense of self and take such a large toll on our happiness, sense of ease, and confidence. In treating these facial symptoms, however, one can make a similarly significant positive impact not only on our looks but also on our self-satisfaction and zest for life.

If you have begun to experience a loss of facial volume including hollows under the eyes, depleted cheeks and increased skin laxity due to fat depletion, you can have treatment which will restore this lost volume and provide much-needed rejuvenation. A Nano-fat Facial Fat Transfer procedure — which you can enjoy at Dermacare — offers many patients a long-term, effective way to get the rejuvenation they want safely and effectively. Think of it as a long-lasting and all-natural facial filler!

How Does a Nano-fat Facial Fat Transfer Procedure Work?

A Nano-fat Facial Fat Transfer procedure restores lost facial volume by extracting, via syringe, small amounts of fat from areas where you have some unwanted excess fat, avoiding a lengthier and more-invasive laser liposuction procedure. Dr. Birchall will then prepare this body fat for reintroduction to your facial areas of concern, where you are experiencing aging fat loss and volume depletion, to rejuvenate these areas.

The Benefits of a Nano-Fat Facial Fat Transfer Procedure

Individuals who have a Nano-fat Facial Fat Transfer treatment will have a wide range of long-lasting benefits, including:

  • long-term reduction of fine wrinkles, lines and facial hollows
  • youthful revolumization of the face
  • improvement to the temples, cheeks, nasolabial folds, lips, oral commissures and jawline
  • substantial improvement to tear troughs and vertical lip lines
  • long-lasting, natural rejuvenation of the entire facial area
  • a natural treatment to reduce aging symptoms using your body’s own fat
  • improved tone and contours where fat is removed for your treatment


What Is the Nano-Fat Facial Fat Transfer Procedure Like?

Patients will need to make minor preparations that will be discussed during your consultation before having their Nano-fat Facial Fat Transfer procedure. Upon arriving in the doctor’s office on the day of the procedure, patients will have all areas involved in their treatment cleansed and prepared for the procedure. The treatment consists of two primary sub-procedures — extraction of the fat from the body and processing and reintroduction of the purified fat into the targeted area.

Fat harvesting is performed via syringe for minimum impact, and patients experience very little pain from this aspect of the procedure since either local anesthesia or nerve blocks are used. Ice or topical ointments can be used to control any discomfort post treatment. A further benefit of this procedure is that patients can have local instead of general anesthesia. Fat is also reintroduced to the concern areas via injection. Patients may return home on the same day of their procedure.

Am I a Candidate for a Nano-Fat Facial Fat Transfer Procedure?

To have a Nano-fat Facial Fat Transfer procedure, you must have at least several syringes worth of fat available in other areas of your body to donate to your facial rejuvenation procedure. Dr. Birchall will assess you for this important criteria during your in-person consultation and advise if you can be considered for the treatment. Patients who have insufficient fat for this treatment can explore several other options to get the rejuvenation they need during their consultation.

What Are the Risks of a Nano-Fat Facial Fat Transfer Procedure?

All surgical procedures, including the Nano-Fat Facial Fat Transfer procedure, have some rare, minor risks. Consult with Dr. Birchall about these potentially rare risks if you have concerns. Because the fat used is drawn from your own body and purified, you will not need to worry about it causing an adverse reaction.

What Results Can I Expect from a Nano-Fat Facial Fat Transfer Procedure?

Individuals who have this procedure will see substantial rejuvenation. Volume depletion of the face which has lead to premature aging will be replaced with a younger, fuller, natural and more youthful volumization. While some volume loss frequently occurs immediately after the procedure — since not all of the fat transferred will survive the treatment — volume will quickly stabilize and gradually and naturally build beginning at around three months with final results occurring between nine and 12 months. While an overwhelming majority of patients will not require an additional procedure, a smaller percentage of patients will obtain their best results by having a follow-up between nine and 12 months.

What Is Recovery from the Nano-Fat Facial Fat Transfer Procedure Like?

Patients should expect some modest downtime after their Nano-fat Facial Fat Transfer procedure. Typically, patients experience one week of swelling and bruising with an overall recovery time of about three to four weeks. After the first week, patients will continue to experience some mild to moderate swelling and redness which will continue to subside steadily, but most people are able to return to work and resume normal activities after the first week. Patients are recommended to observe the following guidelines after their Nano-fat Facial Fat Transfer procedure to have the most comfortable recovery and optimize their results.

To Reduce Swelling

After getting home, continue resting comfortably for the next 24 hours with your head elevated. Sleep with several pillows behind your head and back for the next three nights after surgery. This will help decrease facial edema (swelling). To reduce facial swelling and bruising and increase comfort, apply ice-cold compresses to the sites for the first 24 hours after surgery.

To Ensure Your Comfort

If you experience pain, please take your prescribed pain medication as directed. Your prescription pain medication should be taken with food to prevent nausea. Tylenol (acetaminophen) may be taken in the place of your prescription. If prescribed oral antibiotics, take it through its full cycle as directed. Avoid alcohol while taking any medications.

Maintain Proper Hygiene

After the first 24 hours, please remove band-aids and wash your face gently with a mild cleanser (Dermacare’s Mild Green Tea Cleanser is recommended) and gently pat dry with a soft, clean towel. You may shower 24 hours after surgery. You may also brush your teeth gently 24 hours after surgery. Mouthwash may also be used with care.

Use Common Sense

You may eat and drink fluids, but start with light foods and clear fluids and progress as you feel comfortable. Avoid bending and lifting for the first week. Also, after your procedure, your face will have a tendency to be hypersensitive to sunlight, causing an increased tendency to burn. Use sun block with a minimum of 15 SPF to protect your face from burning, especially the surgical sites. Of course, smoking can always lead to complications and jeopardize your results.

Call our office immediately if you experience: high temperature; chills and shakes; severe pain; significant, sudden swelling or redness from graft sites.

Visit Dermacare for Your Nano-Fat Facial Fat Transfer Treatment

Patient relationships are deeply valued by your Dermacare treatment team, and we strive to offer the most effective treatments with the highest quality, along with patient-focused care. These values originate from Dr. Birchall’s years in family practice and translate well in serving his cosmetic patients. Your Dermacare team place special emphasis on discerning your needs, so you get the treatment to bring your desired look to life.

To learn more about rejuvenating your facial appearance with Nano-Fat Facial Fat Transfer, please call or text us at any of our 4 locations:

Rancho Bernardo: (858) 487-3376
Carlsbad: (760) 448-8100
San Juan Capistrano: (949) 658-2080
Encinitas: (760) 487-2520