Silhouette InstaLift®—Is It Right for You? AT DERMACARE SAN DIEGO

Published: September 6, 2023
Category: Blog

With the increase in cosmetic procedures, thread lifts are becoming more popular than ever to offer you a lifting effect and a more youthful facial aesthetic. These threads will lift your skin, using absorbable sutures to promote collagen production, which helps boost your skin’s health structure without the need for noticeable incisions. At Dermacare Laser & Skin Care Clinics, we are proud to offer Silhouette InstaLift® to help you achieve the appearance you’ve been yearning for.

What does Silhouette InstaLift® entail, and is it the right choice for you? In this blog, you will find out everything there is to know about the procedure and its benefits. This way, along with a consultation with our professionals, you will know whether or not it is the right treatment for you!

What Is Silhouette InstaLift®?

Silhouette InstaLift® is a procedure that uses poly-L-lactic and poly-glycolic sutures that resemble a cone. The sutures are inserted underneath your skin to lift your jowls and cheeks, improving the contour of your face. The procedure uses micro-suspension technology, and the whole treatment lasts about one hour.

The threads from the Silhouette InstaLift® are made from an absorbable material, which gradually dissolves over a time period of six to 18 months. The thread will create small wounds underneath your skin that will trigger your body’s collagen production. Aside from the lifting aspect of the thread, you will also get a gradual tightening effect as your skin becomes firmer.

Who Should Get the Silhouette InstaLift®?

Silhouette InstaLift® is a great procedure for women or men who want to enjoy the effects of a facelift but do not want to undergo invasive surgery. It is a great procedure for anyone who notices the following signs of aging:

  • Jowls forming in the jawline area
  • Skin that begins to sag in different areas of your face
  • Lines that are forming in the areas near your mouth
  • Your lids are looking more hooded than usual
  • You want the effect of a lift but do not want to add extra volume to your face
  • Your neck skin is starting to look lax
  • You do not have much time to spend on downtime

Bear in mind that for you to be a candidate for the Silhouette InstaLift®, you need to have some skin elasticity so that the skin can position itself in its right position over time.

What Makes Silhouette InstaLift® So Special?

Unlike many facial lifting procedures that offer dramatic lift results, Silhouette InstaLift® offers a more natural lift. The sutures adjust and are absorbed by your body, leaving behind a beautiful shape. Since it is a non-surgical facelift, it is a great option for those who want to test out the lift shape without permanently committing to it.

Surgical lifts alone are not enough to promote collagen production. With Silhouette InstaLift®, it is all thanks to the thread composition. As poly-L-lactic acid can boost collagen, the effect will be more natural as your own skin is working for it. This can also ensure long-term results.

What Can Silhouette InstaLift® Help With?

Silhouette InstaLift® is a dual-action treatment that can help you in two ways. First, it offers an immediate lifting effect on your facial tissue. In the long term, it can gradually regenerate your collagen, making you look plumper and younger over time. Silhouette InstaLift® works best for:

1. Jowls

As you get older, your skin begins to lose elasticity, creating sagging skin around the jawline. The threads of the Silhouette InstaLift® will pull the skin up, while the renewed collagen will support the area.

2. Sunken Cheeks

Sunken cheeks are often caused by collagen loss as you get older. Silhouette InstaLift® will not only lift your cheeks, but it will also promote collagen regeneration. This production of collagen will fill your cheeks over time, revealing a more natural facial aesthetic.

3. Marionette Lines

As your facial skin begins to sag, wrinkles start forming around the mouth. The Silhouette InstaLift® will not only smooth the wrinkles through the pull action, but it can also fill them as new collagen is produced.

Silhouette InstaLift® for the Perfect Contour

Silhouette InstaLift® is a great procedure for women and men who are looking for a lifting effect, but do not want to go under the knife. If you want to find out more about the treatment, call Dermacare Laser & Skin Care Clinics and schedule an appointment!

For more information about Silhouette InstaLift®, you can contact Dermacare Laser & Skin Care Clinics at 858-230-8040 (San Diego) or 760-206-8926 (Carlsbad). We will answer any questions that you may have for us. You can also fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.