Here’s What You Can Do About Your Acne Scars AT DERMACARE SAN DIEGO

Published: May 8, 2017
Category: Blog, Laser Treatments, Skin Care
acne treatment la jolla

You may think of acne as an adolescent condition, and while pimples tend to occur during youth, they don’t always stop by the time you reach adulthood. If you have pimple-prone skin, there’s a chance you will experience the effects of acne scars later in life.

Acne scars easily detract from your appearance. Rather than your skin looking smooth and vibrant, scars can produce a poor complexion and make you feel self-conscious. Treating acne scars or acne, in general, can pose a challenge, especially when trying to find the most effective treatment option.

The key to reducing your acne scars is to find one or more solutions that comfortably eliminate imperfections on the skin. You can do so by undergoing some of the procedures offered at Dermacare Laser & Skin Care Clinics.

Cleanse Your Pores

Part of eliminating acne scars is reducing your skin’s ability to produce pimples. Acne occurs as a result of pores that have become clogged with an oily substance known as sebum, which means that clean and open pores will reduce the appearance of pimples.

Cleansing your pores is a matter of exfoliating your skin and eliminating toxins. The Deep Pore Detoxifying Treatment is designed to dissolve sebum and blackheads blocking your pores. A combination of lactic, glycolic and salicylic acid penetrates the skin and remove debris, leaving your skin clear and purified. We can also send you home with our Dermacare brand of glycolic and salicylic cleanser to help you maintain a clear complexion.

Revitalize Your Skin

With natural aging comes the expansion of pores, which can lead to the development of acne in your later years. Laser treatments are one of the most efficient ways to improve the texture of your skin and soften signs of aging or damage.

Laser Genesis treats redness, fine-line wrinkles, sun damage and uneven skin tones, producing a healthy glow as well as new collagen that restores the surface layer of skin. By allowing your skin to rebuild damaged skin cells, acne scars are reduced, and smooth skin appears as a result.

Renew Your Skin Texture

At times, it’s beneficial to resurface the skin to produce total rejuvenation. If you experience severe acne or ample scarring on your skin, laser treatment with Fraxel can improve overall skin quality by reducing fine lines, redness and wrinkles as well as diminishing pigmentation. Fraxel works by creating thousands of microscopic channels within your skin, inducing collagen that creates new and healthy skin cells. As a result, the damaged cells that produce unwanted pigmentation and scar tissue are eliminated over time and replaced with smooth, even-toned skin.

In addition to Fraxel, we can also use Bellafill to treat more severe acne scarring. This collagen- building filler helps to offer immediate results by filling in pitted areas of the face, while continuing to rebuild collagen over time. The collagen works to restore the skin, giving a smoother, refreshed appearance.

The treatment you decide to receive will depend on the severity of your acne and your treatment goals. Through an analysis of your skin, a discussion of your lifestyle habits and an assessment of your skin care routine, your practitioner at Dermacare Laser & Skin Care Clinics can help you choose the best treatment for your skin.

If you would like more information about the procedures available for acne scars, contact Dermacare Laser & Skin Care Clinics at 858-943-2443 (Rancho Bernardo) or 760-472-5088 (Carlsbad) and schedule a consultation.